Beatriz Wyser

Estudio de pilates en el centro de Barcelona

Beatriz Wyser
Born in Stockholm, Sweden.

BFA in dance, graduated from the University of Dance Stockholm, Sweden.

Studied dance in N.Y at the Alvin Nikolai and Murray Louis. Coreografer and profesional dancer in Sweden, Spain, France. Have been working as a dance teacher in several education programs specialy i Barcelona Spain.

Got involved in the fitness industry as a instructor and a sport adviser for one of the main sport clubs of Barcelona.

Nike Athlet for several years, Instructor Trainer of Nike.

Presenter for more then 10 years in Spain with Aerobic&Fitness.

Working for more then 15 years with Body and Mind, Propiocepcion,

programs with Fitball, Soft-gym, reflex ball and bosu.

Studied Feldenkreis and Girotonic among other technics.

Stott Pilates instructor since 2001.

Stott Pilates instructor Trainer since 2007.

Speaks english, Swedish, Spanish, Catalan.

beatriz Wyser

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